• Calathea & Prayer Plants

    These gorgeous exotic beauties prefer bright indirect light, though they have been known to thrive in less light.

    Showering the foliage (weekly rinse) or a steam shower (without getting hot water on the plant) is one of Daddy’s secrets. These humidity lovers love a humidifier close by or a pebble tray which will help keep the foliage fresh.

    Keeping the soil moist from Spring to Autumn is best, thereafter weekly water.

    Sold in Store our ‘Pray for Us Blend’ is best for potting up with ample drainage.

    Fertilizing Spring through September.

  • Cactus & Succulents

    Most Cactus and Succulents prefer western to southern exposure in Seattle.

    The watering cycle during spring through summer can be anywhere from every two weeks to four weeks fertilizing each round of watering.

    Heat and warmth will allow ample growth during the growing season.

    The off seasons watering can be anywhere from monthly to quarterly depending on light exposure.

    In-store we offer a few options of ‘desert’, ‘succulent’ & ‘tropical succulent’ soil mixes.

  • Hoya

    Hoyas enjoy any form of light you can give them, thriving and blooming in the highest light is where you’ll see the most reward.

    Spring through summer fertilizer is best. I prefer using an ‘indoor blooming’ fertilizer.

    Trying to pop some blooms? Age, Maturity, and, Patience! They will come.

    Preferring a very chunky Aroid blend for soil is best, we recommend our ‘climber blend’ in store.

    Drying out the soil between watering, especially in lower light conditions is best. If in higher light droopy or thin leaves would be an indicator of lack of watering.

  • Philodendrons

    They are EVERYWHERE! Monsteras, Pothos, Epipremnum, Cordatum … typically on the hardier side, doing well in medium bright light to higher levels of light (such as a Pink Princess).

    Aroid blends are best for these, a nice chunky well-draining mix. Our ‘tropical climber blend’ is ideal.

    Fertilizing spring through summer, watering weekly during those months as well. (Remember if you’re hanging a plant, heat rises therefore drying out your plant faster).

    In the off months and winter, you can certainly stretch your watering cycle every 8-10 days if potted in an Aroid mix.

  • Pilea & Peperomia

    Both species love medium to bright light, however, they have also been known to thrive in direct light as well.

    Fertilizing spring through summer with each water you’ll see subsequent growth.

    Typically watering once a week, unfortunately, there is no exact science, moisture meters will save your life (we have them in stock at the shop) and Daddy highly recommends them if you’re growing your collection.

    We do carry a ‘tropical rainforest blend’ for transplant and repotting needs.

  • Ferns

    Ferns can be tricky but most rewarding, loving humidity or pebble trays.

    Daddy’s personal fern successes have been from leaving the ferns in their nursery pot and giving them bottom watering, weekly … if they are drying out faster then up your watering.

    We carry ‘zombie maiden’ soil for your transplant and soil refresh needs.

    Lighting! Again there is no exact science, however, most ferns do best in bright indirect light… I have seen instances where ferns thrive in high light and low light spaces, just watch those summer months for overdoing the light.

  • Prop's In Pon

    We are now offering cuttings of some of our more rare pieces, all of Daddy’s cuttings will have nodes and, or aerial roots. We propagate in Pon comprised of zeolite, pumice & lava rock.

    How we grow in Pon: Set it & Forget it!

    Keep your cutting in a nice bright & warm spot in your home. Keep your water level equal to level of rocks. Messing with these sharp rocks can lead to cutting off new growing roots so best to not play with them for 6-12 weeks.

    Black or Browning roots are residual of initial propagation, nothing to worry about just let your cutting do it’s thing!